Meet Dani:

Howdy everyone! My name is Dani! I have been passionate about animals since I came into this wonderful world! If you asked elementary school me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have touted: “I’m going to be a wild woman living in the amazon rainforest!” So I could play with as many unique animals as I wanted to. I was often laughed at for my early job aspirations, as most wouldn’t believe it possible/realistic. The only reason I am not in the rainforest today is due to the realization of mosquitoes and the necessity of toilets. Though my passion for animals and nature remained strong, my love for modern convenience also grew as I did.

I opened Dani’s Dogsitter’s in 2023 officially but I have been pet sitting professionally for over 7 years. My reasoning for doing this is mainly for my dedication to providing people with care they can trust. I have five dogs of my own currently two cute fishies that I love dearly. The experiences I had with others watching my babies was a great cause for concern- coming home to empty water bowls, poop in the house, dead fish, and sometimes pets not even being fed [thank God my pets didn’t need medication or have any conditions]. So when I tried boarding and my dogs were coming back injured, traumatized, and sick with things they had been vaccinated for, I was appalled. In both these situations I had placed my trust for my pets (who are our family and sometimes the ones we hold most beloved in our lives) in other’s hands. While these places should have been trustworthy they were not. Yes, there can be situations that go out of control or unexpected happenings but this should be the minority of cases and not due to neglect. I wanted to form a collective of people who genuinely care about animals and know how special they are. We give them the love and attention they deserve while you are gone, and make sure all their needs are met. We don’t strive for the bare minimum, but to provide the best experience for your pet’s wellbeing as well as your own. The last thing you need on vacation or work is to be worrying about the ones you love- then you can’t focus or enjoy yourself when you need to. It is my mission to provide quality care, excellent service, and spoil your pets with love and affection while you are away while maintaining safety for your pets and home.

A few things about me:

I am fairly active and love to be healthy. I don’t drink, smoke, or participate in any kind of drugs… I’ve always been really into health and these don’t support that. I am uber responsible and love to give my all in what I do. I am a big reader and enjoy fantasy, mystery, and romance genres the most, but I also love a good self-improvement book. I tend to spend a good amount of time outdoors and love to see the world and experience new cultures. There is always something valuable to learn anywhere you go. Animals are my favorite example of this… they always live in the present, forgive easily, and just enjoy their lives. They don’t stress or worry much and are always happy to see the ones they love no matter what. They appreciate you and love you for who you are always! Animals are a very beautiful blessing to this world and in my life. When I am inside, I love to snuggle up and watch some anime or play videogames with my friends. I live a very blessed life but I am so grateful for the simple pleasures like the sunset, or a warm blanket! Scroll down to see some pictures of me, my family and friends, and my pets!


Hankers (Tan)

Boo (White with Underbite)

Trump (Black and Brown- also no political affiliation… he’s my dad’s dog)

Callie (White with Teddy Bear) [She is in heaven now, RIP princess :)]

